The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions affecting the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles is the focus of orthopaedic surgeons. While some orthopaedists focus on treating specific body parts, like the hip and knee, others are generalists. To put it another way, an orthopaedic surgeon treats illnesses and ailments that impact your nerves, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and joints. In orthopedics, the musculoskeletal system is the main focus of care. This system is made up of tendons, ligaments, joints, muscles, and bones. An orthopedist is a person who specializes in orthopedics. Orthopedists treat musculoskeletal conditions such as sports injuries, joint pain, and back issues using both surgical and nonsurgical methods. Orthopedists can be classified as either nonsurgical or surgical. Orthopedic surgeons are those who perform surgery, whereas physiatrists and physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists are nonsurgical orthopedists. Numerous musculoskeletal disorders are treated by orthopedic specialists. These disorders could be inherited, the consequence of an injury, or the result of aging-related wear and tear.
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